Sunday, 5 July 2015

Day 190

Day 190 and today I came to the realization that I am addicted to being sober!  I am reaping the benefits of sobriety and trust me, there are so many!

Yesterday, I stopped my housework to play in the pool with my son.  We laughed so much because we were playing a game where we had to tip each other off of the mattress.  When we were done, he said to me "Mom, when was the last time you laughed like that?  Like, a year ago?"  Probably true.  I'm learning to laugh more and love more and be content with what my life has to offer.  I'm learning to pause and have fun.  I'm learning the truth about who I am and I'm finding the strengths I have within.  I'm learning to feel the feelings that come along on a daily basis and letting the ones go that I don't want to hang onto anymore.  This is true freedom and I'm finally learning to live a spiritual life... in the moment....because that's all we really have....the present moment.   No need to numb the pain anymore.  It doesn't exist in the present moment.

I'm reading "The Power Of Now" by Eckart Tolle....  He says:

Is there joy, ease, and lightness in what I am doing?  If there isn't, then time is covering up the present moment, and life is perceived as a burden or a struggle.  The mind unconsciously loves problems because they give you an identity of sorts.  "Problem" means that you are dwelling on a situation mentally without there being a true intention or possibility of taking action now and that you are unconsciously making it part of your sense of self.  A "situation" needs to be either dealt with or accepted.  Why make it into a problem?
When you focus your attention on the now, there really is no problem.

Sobriety and living in the present moment is a new way of life for me and I'm telling you it's worth every minute of hard work!  

I am healthy and free!  We all have the power to get there!  I am a miracle in the works!  I am so grateful to have been given this beautiful gift....

The gift of sobriety.  The gift of living in the present moment!

 photo sob_zps617069f1.jpg


  1. :-) Beautiful. I am happy for you. :-) Trying to get to the now but sometimes it doesn't really work. Well, yes, it will now. The sun is out and I'm going out. Turn off the computer! :-)
    xx, Feeling

  2. And I am so happy that I'm around to witness it. Bravo girlfriend and rock on!!!

  3. Yes. The now is a powerful thing. I often just close my eyes and breathe. Finding stillness in the moment.
    It's so nice that your son sees your happiness. Truly a gift.

  4. Great read, I can completely understand where you are coming from and have written similar things, the time & mind power that sobriety gives you back is amazing and as you said addicting! My drive and work ethic has increased massively and I am addicted to the gains I am making as successful human being, this life is amazing and is ultimately driven by the choices we make sobriety is a powerful choice to get you to the destinations you most desire!

    The Alcoholic Entrepreneur
