Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Get Excited About Sobriety!

Sobriety is something to get excited about!

Okay!  Let me press rewind.

If you're not sober yet, you're thinking....  ya right!

I'm not going to beat around the bush and tell you that getting sober is easy, fun and exciting.  It's not!  It's not easy!  It takes a tremendous amount of work!  So much work!   Every single day kinda work.  It's not always very fun either.  We have to learn to feel and deal with life .... soberly.  And, how exciting could it really be...... giving up something we truly love?

I have to remind myself everyday that I can't drink like most people.  I have to remember the times that I puked all over my friend's bathroom floor, or passed out from such a bad hangover that my 2 year old was sitting on me trying to wake me up, or the time my friends had to drop me off at home and I was too drunk to let them know where I live, so they knocked on the door and when my 17 year old answered, they said this your mom?  How embarrassing.... for him!  I remember the wasted days of feeling many of them.  I remember looking at my swollen face and thinking....holy shit I'm aging so fast.  I remember tossing and turning every single night in hopes that my hangover wouldn't be too bad the next day.  Drinking wasn't always fun for me.  It was exhausting most of the time!

Then, I have to remember that I can't just have one "social" drink, or two.  I want more than just "a couple" of beer or glasses of wine.  Something happens to my mind and body and I want and crave more and more.....  I want to drink until there is no more booze in the house and I can't feel, see or hear anything because I'm so numb to the world around me.  That's how my mind works when I'm drinking.  It doesn't work!  It's just numb.  I lived life in a fog.... not present at all, or even aware of the beauty of life that surrounded me.  No spirituality.  No love for life.  No loving myself or others the way I was meant to love.  Just numb.

I wake up everyday and feel grateful for being sober and healthy.  I ask my Higher Power and seek daily spiritual experiences.  I've learned to be aware and conscious of the world around me.  I decide that today is going to be a super beautiful, wonderful day and nothing will have the capability to change that.  I accept all things that come my way to the fullest consciousness of my abilities.  I stay calm.  I breathe.  I try to eat as healthy as I can because I want to feed my body with love.  I run.  I read.  I tweet.  I blog.  I am worth it!  I say that everyday!  I am worth fighting for!   I love the health benefits of being sober!   Words cannot begin to describe them!  I'm not tired anymore!  I'm not sick anymore!  I'm alive!  In spirit!  In love!   Now, that's exciting!

In the beginning,  I saw no excitement in getting sober.  It took me several attempts to get and remain sober and spiritual but nothing seemed to work.  I walked into the AA rooms twice and refused to listen to the little whispers that were telling me how great life could be.   I continuously found myself in the vicious cycle of drinking on a daily basis, including starting at noon to cure my weekend hangover!  I wanted to fit in and be a part of the rest of the drinking fun and exciting crowd so I drank with them.  I drank alone.  I hid my booze.  I was sick.  It wasn't fun anymore.  It was a chore to drink.  I was tired.  I was sick of being sick and tired.

It's hard to tell someone who's trapped in the vicious cycle of drinking alcohol how amazing sobriety is.... because it's so friggen scary and it's so friggen hard to imagine a life without it!  Sobriety is scary!  I was scared to quit drinking.  It was the only thing I had that made me feel good about myself.  It was the only thing I had that made me feel like I was in control of my life.  It was the only thing that helped me deal with the pain from my past, my anxieties for my future and the tonnes of insecurities I felt on a daily basis.

But, the truth is Sobriety is so exciting!    Once we see that alcohol isn't needed to make us feel worthy of love for ourselves and others, we experience true freedom!  One day at a time.  We begin to see how amazing we feel every single morning.  We discover what freedom is all about!   We discover who we really are and how strong we are without alcohol.   We see how helping others is a great accomplishment in our lives.  We make new sober friends.  We laugh again.  We learn to let go and breathe.  We become healthy....mind, body and soul.  Sobriety becomes so friggen exciting!    It took me a while to figure this out but I am so excited about being sober.   It's great to be alive again!  I've never really been alive yet.... all my life I hid from myself.   I'm so friggen alive!!  It's exciting!

Get excited about getting sober!  Change your thoughts.  Only YOU..... have the power to do this!

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  1. Sober Mommy you Rock!! I don't know if my signature will show who I am but it's Deb from Granny Gets Sober. I love your writing style and enthusiasm. Your blog will be my go to place to help me when times get tough. I am now going to scroll through all your posts. I loved the Power of Now and recommend it all the time. Spirituality is what is keeping me grounded while I do the sobriety trail; mine happens to meander a bit but I'm getting there with your help xoxo Thanks.

  2. Thanks for your comment Deb! You know I'm routing for you girl! Get excited about living without the shit that makes us feel shitty! It's pure freedom! Love ya. Xo
