Thursday, 16 July 2015

...on An·o·nym·i·ty

2nd post today

I'm thinking of coming out of the closet.... as in breaking my anonymity.  I'm needing some advice from fellow bloggers first.

I'd like to start posting pictures of me and my family, living soberly and loving life.  I'm a little worried about doing this but I also feel that if someone sees how amazing my life is with my family, it may help them get sober.

I worry that someone from my small town will see me and start rumours around here.  That's probably because all my life I've worried about what others think of me.

But, I'm learning through The Gifts of Imperfection that I'm not perfect.  I've made mistakes.  I'm friggen sober and I'm loving it!  There's nothing wrong with that... right?

I also look at it this way.  If someone out there that knows me stumbles across my sober blog, it may mean they are looking for what I've found.

I don't know..... I need advice.

To show me or not to show me......That's the question?


  1. know me, I've got no issues with "coming out" because I was never really "in". I think that when we hide we just give credence to the stigma that surrounds alcoholism. I prefer to show the brave and strong woman who beat the damn thing rather than hiding. you know...I am in the minority on this one so I'll be interested to hear what others have to say.


  2. I have no problem showing myself.
    I'm like Sherry.
    I was never "in".
    I haven't found any "bad" thing about showing my picture.
    It helps me to see real people who are like me and struggle with drinking.
    I don't know about kids, as you may want to consider their ages?
    I posted my husband with his okay.
    It's really sad that we must hide ourselves still, for fear we are judged harshly.

  3. if it feels right, do it.
    Anonymity is an AA issue. As long as you aren't "outing" other or claiming to speak for AA, it's really irrelevant.
    Do what feels right for you.
