Saturday 18 April 2015

....on Facing Fears

Finally!  Race day is here.  Tomorrow morning!  I've worked so hard to get here.  Sober.  Healthy.  Excited.  Scared.  Feeling it all!

I'm sitting in my hotel, just relaxing and enjoying the view.  It's beautiful.  The sun is shining.  I'm blessed.  

I'm getting out of my comfort zone, slowly but surely.  Facing my fears as they come.  Feeling them pass through my body and letting them go through.  I'm not clinging on to them today.   Travelling alone in a big city is one of my fears.  I'm here.  Breathing.  Living.  Sober.

Quitting drinking for me has giving me the opportunity to get back into running and I'm loving every minute of it.  Running is my new high.  My passion.   After I run, I'm so naturally happy.  I feel healthier than I ever have!  Mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Life is good...

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  1. Yayyyy You!!! How did race go? You are inspiring me...I may just get back into running myself (I need something, seeing as how I am consuming sugar like a maniac since not drinking ;)

    1. The race was super!! It's the most invigorating experience of my life! Running across a finish line with people shouting for you to go, go go!! Sober has given me a gift!! I love life!!!
      Get back into it!!l Just do it! You will feel amazing!!!!! I promise!

  2. Well????? How did it go? How do you feel? Spill it girl!!!!

    Love and hugs to you,

    1. Sherry!
      I loved every second of it! I lived the whole experience the moment. I am in love with life today. Sober. Healthy. How amazing is this eh? I can't believe how far I've come and how great I feel. I can't believe this gift I've been given. I hope that I could help people out there that are struggling find this gift one day! Love you
      When is your big race gonna be girl?? Have you done one yet?
      It's such an amazing experience! I want more!!
      Hugs and Kisses
      Have a super day!
