Thursday, 23 April 2015

...on Stress

It's kinda funny that I wanted to write this post on stress and the Daily Meditation in The Language of Letting Go was on this topic today.  

I've been stressed.  Not alcohol related stress because I really don't want alcohol right now.  But I have major decisions to make in my life.   My home is up for sale so that I can downsize.  I'm renting to own my new place already in hopes that my house sells fast so that we can just take over this new littler home.  In the meantime, I'm really broke.  My kids are feeling it.  They feel the stress of money issues around here.  To top it all off, we may be going on strike in the near future.  

Stress.  Stressors.  All Around.  All the Time.
I'm trying really hard to deal with stress in different ways.  Breathing.  Living in the moment.
It's not easy when things start to pile up on you.  But it's manageable. 

I look at stress in such different ways now that I'm sober.  I have to or I will pick up a drink to forget about the stress, even if it is just for a moment.  

I see stress as an event or circumstance in my life that is uncomfortable, but temporary.  It's not going to destroy me.  I'm not going to crumble.  It's just a little thorn in my side, that has to stay there for a while until things settle down.  I can handle the thorn.....just for a while.  The thorn isn't going to keep me from taking care of myself.  The thorn isn't going to stop me from living in the present moment.   In reality, the present moment is all I have!
 ....and there is no way in hell that I'm going to start missing my moments again! 

So, yes.... I'm "feeling" the stress.  Not avoiding it.  I'm living it.  And, it's ok.  It will pass.  The universe is not in my control and I trust that it has a plan.

My sister sent this text to me this morning.  Coincidence?  I think not....

Part of today's entry:  One of the most difficult things for us to accept is that beneath all our dreams and disappointments, we live and breathe in abundance.  It is hard when in pain to believe that all we ever need is before us, around us, within us.  And yet it is true.

Just like that!  In a text!  Here's a picture of it!

God sends us little whispers in so many different ways sometimes,  doesn't he?  We just have to be ready and willing to hear them.

 photo sob_zps617069f1.jpg


  1. This is great!!! I just made a similar comment on another blog, but I truly believe that there are no coincidences - I think you were getting a message loud and clear! (one that we all need ;)

    I too am working on learning like your meditation said that all I have is all I need - which is hard - I tend to turn to external things to make me feel better (alcohol, food, shopping, etc)

    I'm doing The Language of Letting Go meditation book too...isn't it great!?!

    Hope you are easily breathing into the stress or that the stress is minimizing :)

  2. Hi!
    I am stopping by to wish you a peaceful day. I was a teacher for 38 years. It's a very stressful job, on top of children and money.
    It's very hard to stay in the moment and trust that all will be well.
    It might be hard, but it will be okay.
    PS- Way to go on Day 118!!!
