Thursday, 25 June 2015

...on Morning Routines

Today, I picked up my Daily Reflection for the first time in two weeks.  I made it a habit in the past to wake up in the morning, read my daily reflection, say a prayer, blog and sit in stillness with my cup of coffee.  But for the past two weeks, I haven't done any of that.... and let me tell you.... my body, soul and mind are feeling it.

Today's reflection was perfect for me.  The first and last line read....

"When I first came to AA, I was run down by the bottle, and wanted to lose the obsession to drink, but I really didn't know how to do that.  

The obsession to drink was removed and -one day at a time_ my life went on, and I learned how to live sober." 

The reflection talks about how to find your own Higher Power and not worry about what other people think about it!  Ask your Higher Power for help!  Ask Him to remove the obsession of drinking!  Every minute of the day!  Until it's gone!!  I don't want to sound crazy, but it worked for me!!!  (and I was obsessed with my bottle of beer and my bottle of wine)  Obessesed!  I still get small cravings once in a while, but they pass.... just like bad cramps....

The AA meeting I went to tonight was probably one of the most powerful meetings I've been to yet!   My meetings are so important to me!  I know this now.   I haven't had time to go regularly but tonight I heard the little whispers speaking to me loud and clear. .....whispers telling me that I'm going to be okay.   The moment I walked in, I felt the connectedness that I've been longing for.... for the past two weeks.   I belong there.  I don't have to pretend to be somebody else when I walk into those rooms.  I can be my authentic self....    I am learning this in my e-course from Brene Brown and I'm loving every second of it!

At the meeting, I got to read the same daily reflection to the group!  Twice in one day!   Now that's gotta be my higher power working to help remind me of the importance of morning routines ....

I've been out-of-the loop lately and I'm sure it's because I've forgotten to take my daily spiritual steps to keep me spiritually fit!  I've been a lost soul, waking up late, into total hecticness, hop in the shower, get kids ready, make lunches, run around, late for work....just madness I tell ya!  Just like the good ole days!  Drinking, hangover, run around, late, hecticness, anger, anxieties....  This stuff just creeps up on us, doesn't it?

It can't be that way anymore!  This hecticness, not organized, all day feeling is what will lead me to drink and I just don't want that to be a part of my life....  so I must be mindful of hanging on to my morning routines.   They really do set the tone for the day.  Set alarm a half hour earlier.  Read Daily Reflection.  Pray.  Blog.  Coffee.  Stillness.  Enjoy.  Gratefulness.  This is what is going to keep me spiritually fit!

I'd love for you to comment about your morning routines, your spiritual steps, the start of a new day habits.....  I think it's so important to begin with some kind of routine to start us off on a good, calm note.

Have a blessed day!

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