Saturday, 3 January 2015

Day 7

Well, I've been sober for one week straight.  I know the tough part is coming though.  I'm expecting the challenge.  I've been on holidays for two weeks which has given me the opportunity to rediscover what I want in my life.  I want to be sober for the year 2015 but how am I gonna manage?  I know I'm thinking far ahead of myself and I should be taking it one day at a time, but holy shit it's gonna be tough.  I've been alone for the last week so it's been easier.  When I get out there, and face the days ahead, people, work,'s gonna bring me craziness....

I've been focusing on my health this week.  I am already able to run a 5 miler!!   I am so excited because I haven't ran a race since April 2013 ...almost 2 years!   This year, my goal is to get more running medals.  This year, my goal is to eat healthy.  This year, my goal is to help people get sober with me.  This year is my year for sobriety.

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  1. Read all your recent posts and this one is closest to my current situation. Trying to get back into running, kids, work and staying sober all at the same time. Gonna be tough!! Keep up the sobriety and good luck. I'm on day 7 now.

    1. Great job on day 7. It sure is tough....especially with all the demands life brings us.....but happiness is around the corner....and freedom....keep in touch....we can do this....hugs
